Nozzle is here to give you better controll

Built by the community

Nozzl is built by Squircle, a company with deep roots in the Webflow community. Allong the way we have gotten help and guidance from everyone in the Discord

True no-code

Webflow is a revelutionary tool enableing more and more designers to take controll of webpages and webapps. With Nozzle the same designers can add complex payment integrations with a few clicks.

Explore and test

We don't know what you need until we have tested, same applies to you and your customers. Nozzle enables you to explore new possebilities and test them for your-self.

Let's burn usermanuals

We closly monitor our services and have continous feedbackloops with one gole in mind: Anyone should be able to pick up Nozzl and understand it's posebilities and limitations.

Data Insights

We work to provide our customers with true insights that are tailormaid to their store.